Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fear and Psalm 3

Lately I've been seeing how much I let fear touch my day.  Take this morning, for instant.  I was having a lovely morning.  It was only 5:30 and my husband had already made me giggle.  I was just thinking how blessed I was and then I plugged in my phone.  And checked my email.  Which I shouldn't have done.  And there was a bill.  From Italy.  From a company with which I have closed my account.  Twice.  And fear starts in my stomach and goes to the end of my fingers and toes.  While making the bed I list in my head how this is A Problem and that Getting It Solved is going to be Stressful on Multiple Levels for at Least two Other People.
My head hurts.

And I know that in the grand scheme of things, this is a really little thing.  It's not cancer.  It's not a child running away from God.  It's not ...

But that logic does nothing to lower my blood pressure.

And then I see this lovely word sâmak.
... for the Lord sustained me.

It literally means "to prop up"... you know - like the stick that is propping up my plant that is too tall. But, it doesn't just involve the propping thing - it involves what is being propped.  My plant is putting it's weight on that stick.  There's some pressure there.

And what I see in Psalm 3 is that God is faithful.  In verse 2 people tell me that God will not be my salvation.  I need
a plan
a good attitude
to compare my issue with other bigger issues and then I won't care about mine any more.

And those might work a little.  But I don't want to be satisfied with figuring out my bill.  I want to be satisfied in God.  Salvation from figuring this out might be nice... but something else stressful will come along.  I want salvation from not being fear-filled.  I want my instant reaction to be not fear - but to be God.  And salvation belongs to the Lord.  I'm glad He is propping me up.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

A Reality Check

Galatians 1:1-4

to tear out.  to rescue.

Dramatic.  Powerful.  Definite.  Secure.  A before and an after.

And this is what God has done through Jesus.

Jesus was not just sent to be an example, or a motivator, or the president of a social club.  He came to rescue us.  To save us.  And I wonder what the Church would look like if we really thought about that.  I wonder what my life would look like if I really believed that.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Heart Shepherding

James 5:19-20

Though we don't have kids, we really want to see God's desire for our home.  My husband and I went to a parenting conference led by Paul Tripp.  He taught that parenting is an act of shepherding a child's heart to the living, gracious God.  The one thing that hit me hard is that Mr. Tripp said that when children get "caught" it's an act of God's love.  When a parent has the opportunity to discipline her child, she is extending God's grace to that child.  God's love desires that child to repent, to grow, to mature.



I needed to hear this.

Because the same is true for us.  When we get corrected, re-directed, spoken to with the Gospel - most of the time it hurts because pride is wounded, shame is exposed.  But, this is God's love.  This is God bringing us back to himself.

And when we see someone who is slipping through the cracks or seems to be stumbling or even lollygagging... it is a glorious thing to offer the good, sweet balm of the Gospel.  It might be about a verse taken out of context.  It might be about a choice of sin.  It might be about a selfish outlook.  Whatever the context, God's grace is waiting to be extended.

Praying for Rain

James 5:17-18

I was going to make a chart.  One that compared Elijah's life to mine.  There would be three columns.  The first one would have a situation, like "confronting prophets of Baal".  And then the next would be how Elijah responded and the next one would be how I have responded.  Ummm... the only problem is that I have not confronted prophets of Baal.  Nor have I been so starving that I've needed to ask a widow to give up her last bit of food for me.  And the death thing? Well - I haven't died, yet.  But I'm guessing the only chariot of fire I'll get to experience is the belt that my body rides on as it goes into the crematory.  I know, I know... not exactly pleasant.  But, I'm doing my best - trying to bond with Elijah.  James says he was just like us.  He had the same passions and ideas as us.  And God answered him.  Which means God will answer us.    And we really need rain here in Texas.  For our grass and crops.  But for our souls, too.

One time I was praying about something BIG.  My heart's begging burdened prayer.  And almost as an afterthought I asked the Lord for rain.  And it rained.  Right that second.  With a bright, hot sky.  Drops of mercy fell on my head.  Drops of Living Water that confirmed God was listening, that He knew my hearts deep cry.

And it happened again.  With rain.  And then again with the wind.

It would be years and years before God gave me the BIG thing I had been asking for.  But, He was always listening.  And I'm sure-really sure-that the weather was just to show me that He was in charge.

Elijah had doubts.  And frustration.  And weariness.  And he had the same God.  His rain prayers?  They were a reminder not that Elijah could control the universe but that the Maker was in control of all things.

Sunday, July 31, 2011

An Invitation

James 5:14-15

proskaleomai... to invite

When we're sick, James tells us to invite the elders to pray over us.  But we don't.  We don't want to bother people.  We don't want people to bother us.  It's no big deal.  I can take care of myself.  It's kind of embarrassing and kind of annoying to not be whole and perfect and in charge.

It starts out with a weakness that seems physical.  But somewhere along the line, James brings in the disease of sin.  A spiritual weakness.  That's what really needs healed, anyway.

And letting people get That Close is really... well, invasive.  And humbling.

But, that's what we're to do as the Church.

We're not alone.  Maybe we should start acting like it.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Twang Away

James 5:13

We think of the word "twang" as an adjective.  And we think of a southern woman with a twang in her voice, sweeter than Texas tea.  Or we think of cowboys singing their twangy songs around the campfire, accompanied by coyotes.

Usually we talk about "singing psalms of praise" being Pluck The Strings in Greek.  Which, it is - but that pluck has a more fun reality: twang.  Twang the strings.  Plucking, well, that's just plucking... but, twanging?  That sounds like fun.  That's my nephew making up songs on his tiny guitar.  That's my husband singing in the kitchen to make me laugh.  That's the guy behind me in church singing his not-so-in-tune heart out.

There's nothing refined, nothing proper, nothing stuffed up, nothing pretentious about twanging.  So, turn the radio up; roll the windows down.

Feel free to put in your earplugs.

Or you could sing with me.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Between a Rock and a Hard Place

James 5:13

kakopatheō: to undergo hardship, endure hardness

Sometimes this is the hardest place to pray... where you cannot find a footing, when you feel you have no roots, when you feel like God is far away...

If two flowers are growing, one in soft, nutrient soil but the other one has to push through the rocks, pick the one that has endured hardship.  It's the one that's going to be more fragrant.  Something in the battle produces more oil.  In fact, perfumers search out these flowers when gathering the best ingredients for their perfumes.

So, even when you don't want to - even when it feels hopeless; know that our God is listening.  He hears.  He knows.  He will be faithful.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Roping the Moon and Tying Up the Sun

James 5:12

To swear means to take an oath... Oath in Greek looks a little like the horizon... which is the line where the world stops.  Oath means that - to draw a line and set up a fence.  This is where it stops.  Maybe one of the reasons God doesn't want us to swear by any of his magnificent creation is that neither heaven nor earth - and definitely not God Himself - shall be fenced in by our little words.

Monday, June 6, 2011

The Velveteen Rabbit and God's Faithfulness

James 5:10-11

You remember the story of the Velveteen Rabbit.  He's so loved that he is no longer a perfectly cute stuffed animal: a button eye is missing, whiskers have fallen off, his stuffing is poking out of the seams.

My husband told me the other day that he is praying that God will not give us the easy path.  He wants God to move and shake us so that our identity, our comfort and security will not be of this earth.  Me... I'm afraid of my button eye falling off.  I want to keep my stuffing, thank you.

Recently I talked to a dear woman.  She had suffered so much: loss of children, loss of dreams.  But she told me that through it all, no matter how bad it gets, God is faithful.  I know He will be faithful. 

She, like those prophets, know the Truth.  And that's what makes- what gives -Real Life.  She is blessed.  So... I'm taking a deep breath.  I'm trying not to be so attached to my button eyes.  I'd rather have Jesus, anyway.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Way or the High Way

James 5:9

Many people informed me that marriage is a magnifying glass on your sin.  Ouch.  It's true.  I can't believe how much grumbling I do.  I love my husband.  I enjoy him and am thankful for him.  Goodness gracious, he's so handsome I can't even stand it.  He's kind and gracious, and that I don't deserve.

His one fault is that he doesn't do everything my way.  I know this is shocking.  I mean, why wouldn't he do everything my way?  It IS the right way, right? 

Eyeyeyeyeye.... when I impose my way on him, I put him in this narrow place.  I say Do this.  Don't do this.  Stay on this narrow path and don't bump up against the boundaries.  This is exactly what grumbling is.  In Greek, stenazō, (to sigh, murmur, groan, grudge, grumble) comes from the word "narrow"... and literally means to make in straits: to put someone in a narrow place.  

And now I think back to all the times I have grumbled because people stepped out of what I wanted them to be, to do.

So if I don't get my way, I hope that I will take the High Way and not be so selfish, so egocentric, so... well, so me-ish.

They Guy at the Coffee Shop

James 5:7-8

I'm overhearing a conversation at a coffee shop.  I'm around the corner, so the people aren't even aware I'm here.  One guy talking to his coworker.  She is saying that god is "searching for the mysterious".  He is saying God is someone concrete, definable, the Creator of the Universe.  And she keeps waving him off with her ideas. He doesn't back down on the idea that God is Truth.  But, finally he does steer the conversation back to how it got started.

I hope he doesn't give up on her.

And I hope that his girlfriend's family doesn't give up on him.  That's how the conversation got started.  His girlfriend's family are Christians: neither super closed off and self-righteous nor just social "Christians" who don't live out what they believe.  The guy himself isn't a Christian.  But, I think he's really close.  Really close.

So, I hope they don't give up on him.  I hope that he will find someone who will match is mind and his debating skills.  I hope that God softens or breaks or tears down what ever is stopping him from really believing.  Because knowing there is a God who is findable is a world away from knowing God.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Three Facts

James 5:1-6

Fact 1.
I've been thinking a lot about money.  A wedding.  Clothes for all the pre-wedding events.  Moving.  Buying gifts.  Buying earrings.  Buying furniture.  I make and remake the budget.  I really need all of my deposit back on the apartment.  And in the midst my friends are having a garage sale to help pay for a surgery.

Fact 2.
If you made less than $9,350 in 2010 you don't have to bother filing taxes this year.  And that is probably one of the few good things about only making $9,350.  It's not a lot.  Not a lot at all.  Yet, in 100 countries it's more than the average income.  I looked it up.

Fact 3.
And I don't know that anyone in America would call me a hoarder of wealth.  But man... packing all these boxes means I'm a hoarder of something.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

The Truth of the Matter

James 4:17

This verse more than any other verse in Scripture haunts me.

For the most part, I follow the ten commandments  ok-ish.  I'm a pretty decent person.  I'm a missionary, for goodness sakes.  Sometimes I forget that I really-really need the cross.  But this verse, This Verse reminds me that I am a sinner in need of a savior.

God of My Calendar

James 4:13-16

I'm a planner.  A massive planner.  I once was told that I couldn't ever be a waitress because I would want the diners to order 3 weeks in advance and would not allow them to change their minds.  Eyeyeye...  I like to believe that the reason I want to have a detailed hourly schedule of the next 4-5 weeks (ok- sometimes longer), is that it will lessen stress at the time.  And that's true, on an earthly level.  But the real truth is that I seek control. I seek to be God.  So, can I make plans?  Yes.  Can I outline the day of the wedding in 5 minute increments.  Sure.  But can I control it?  And if something gets bumped or moved will it Ruin Everything?  And if it does, I need to really look at who and what I want to be God of my life.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Let It Go

James 4:11-12

Uh-oh.  Can we skip this passage?  It's really hard for me.  I love to dig into the motives of why people do what they do.  I like to read things into them and see what's going on behind what I see.  I look at their experiences in life and form a hypothesis for why they are the way they are.  Ummm.... basically, I make things up.  I especially need to curtail this in my marriage.  Reading too much into a left-up-toilet-seat or coffee without sugar might get dangerous.  Well, there's no "might" in that - it will be dangerous.  Which is why we are told not to judge.  I can't do it perfectly.  I come with my own set of April's Guide to Living Correctly Library, Volumes I-XXXVI.  And it's all skewed and messed up.  I am sinful.  Period.  My judging is going to be skewed and messed up.  It's why only our perfect God can judge our brothers and sisters in Christ.  And since He is the only one who can fix anything - then it's not only his Right, but it's part of who He is - what He does.  It's part of His battle - not ours. Let's leave it to Him.

Monday, March 14, 2011

God. Period.

James 4:8-10

Come close.  Saddle up.  Nestle in.  I love this idea.  Me scooting over to rub shoulders with God.  Him putting an arm around me and offering me a box of chocolate.  Secrets told.  Eskimo kisses.  Affirmation given.
You're such a beautiful daughter.
Oh, God... I really like you, too.
Aww, shucks! 

Ummm... then why does James get all gloomy?  He's such a party pooper.  Grieve, mourn and wail?  Seriously!  What happen to the box of chocolates?  Surely if God doesn't have any chocolate He could manage a lolly pop.  Or at least He could tousle my hair.  

This is a passage of seriousness.  If we come to God wanting to get something: security, love, joy, peace, purpose, meaning, hope, answers,  healing... then we are going to come up short.  We have to come to God for God Himself.  Anything less is asking God - the Creator of the Universe - to be just a tool.

This is a passage of holiness.  This is a verse of a surgeon.  Come to God.  Lay yourself out on the table so that He can heal you.  You can try and try, but you are neither going to be clean enough nor pure enough.  Never Ever.  This passage is not about what I do but about who God is.  And only when we know God and see Him can we honestly be in a position of humility.

Which is why this is a song of grace.  He is allowing me to join Him.  He's allowing me to find him (2 Chronicles 15:2).   And in finding Him those other things ... the security, love, etc... Matthew 6:33 says that we will get the things of God, but we need God first.  We can't earn these things.  We can't manipulate ourselves to be in a position to grab them when the opportunity comes.  We can't climb high enough to reach them.  We will be given them.  And God will do the giving.

And that's what James is saying.  God will lift us up.  God will.  But that's not the point... how he lifts you up... the point is God.  The point is always God.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Submission: Not A Scary Word

James 4:7

I have been thinking about it a lot lately.  This word submission.  I'm about to do it.  Until death do us part.  That's a really.  long.  time.
This word gets a bad rap.  We think of it as a dog who is lead around by a master, who cowers at every jerk of the chain.  But that's not the real picture here. What we really need to picture is a sweet (even a little spoiled) puppy that is adored by it's master.  That's submission.
It means to be modestly covered by someone.  It has the feel of a chilly spring day and a cozy quilt.  It's a relationship word, meaning that the person who is submitted to wants the best for those who submit to him.  He's  there to love and protect, to have and to hold from this day forward.
When we see this idea of submitting to God, we need to walk into the day without a bitter resentment - but an open heart of anticipation.  Cover me God.  I'm all Yours.

Monday, January 10, 2011


James 4:6

Think of the biggest bubble you've ever blown - the one that popped and got stuck in your hair.  No - think of one of those balloons with a rubber band on it that you bounced against your hand for days.  Ummm... that won't do either.  Think of one of those balloons from Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade.  Nope.  Still not big enough.  A hot air balloon.  The Hindenburg Blimp.  What about all of the air in our atmosphere.

Bigger.  Louder.  Fuller.  Stronger.  Mightier.  More - more - more!  Not just a spoon-full more - but a mountain more. And not stopping there.  But more.  And more.  And more again.

God gives us more grace.

More grace than we deserve - which is why it's called grace.  And he gives it again and again, snowballing- growing our love for Him, growing our understanding of who He is.  And in the process we are maturing.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Jealous Longing that Changes Me

James 4:5

Even really really smart people get a little boggle minded on how this verse is to be translated - so I won't dare touch that.  Grammar and vocabulary and gender based words make it all confusing.  But no matter how you translate it into English there is something so relational about this verse.  There's a deep longing, a passionate yearning.  Have you ever held on to something so tight - a suitcase handle, a railing, a rope, a person - that when you finally let go there's physical evidence?  The handle is worn, there is a red line across your hand, blisters, or the marks of finger nails in your skin?  That's the longing that's talked about in this verse - a deep, deep desire that influences and changes the structure of something.  That's the longing God has for us.  When I am resiting His discipline, His cultivation, His refining fire, I am resisting His love.