Sunday, June 5, 2011

My Way or the High Way

James 5:9

Many people informed me that marriage is a magnifying glass on your sin.  Ouch.  It's true.  I can't believe how much grumbling I do.  I love my husband.  I enjoy him and am thankful for him.  Goodness gracious, he's so handsome I can't even stand it.  He's kind and gracious, and that I don't deserve.

His one fault is that he doesn't do everything my way.  I know this is shocking.  I mean, why wouldn't he do everything my way?  It IS the right way, right? 

Eyeyeyeyeye.... when I impose my way on him, I put him in this narrow place.  I say Do this.  Don't do this.  Stay on this narrow path and don't bump up against the boundaries.  This is exactly what grumbling is.  In Greek, stenazō, (to sigh, murmur, groan, grudge, grumble) comes from the word "narrow"... and literally means to make in straits: to put someone in a narrow place.  

And now I think back to all the times I have grumbled because people stepped out of what I wanted them to be, to do.

So if I don't get my way, I hope that I will take the High Way and not be so selfish, so egocentric, so... well, so me-ish.

1 comment:

  1. I am really glad to see the posts today! I love your thoughts, your great ability to look at Greek and boil it down to its essence (something I work to do in my ministry).

    Thank you for those thoughts!
