Monday, August 2, 2010


James 1:5-8

Ask. And believe. Don't doubt. That's what James tells us to do when we need wisdom. The worddiakrinō which we translate as "doubt" literally means to separate throughly... to withdraw from or oppose. We diakrinō in four ways:
1. We don't believe it is "God's Will" when things don't go our way or aren't easy.
2. We see God's wisdom, but don't want to do it because it doesn't align with our desires.
3. We forget how much we need God's wisdom all together and do it on our own.
4. We're so Not Sure that we never step out in faith.
The word we read as "double minded" is a compound word in Greek: twice-soul. Of course we are twice-souls when we don't believe God. It's why James also uses the word oscillate. We're in a continual tennis match. Who has the ball? God. Me. God. Me. God. Me. God. Me. Our hearts and minds keep looking back and forth. No wonder we feel unstable.

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