Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Fear and Psalm 3

Lately I've been seeing how much I let fear touch my day.  Take this morning, for instant.  I was having a lovely morning.  It was only 5:30 and my husband had already made me giggle.  I was just thinking how blessed I was and then I plugged in my phone.  And checked my email.  Which I shouldn't have done.  And there was a bill.  From Italy.  From a company with which I have closed my account.  Twice.  And fear starts in my stomach and goes to the end of my fingers and toes.  While making the bed I list in my head how this is A Problem and that Getting It Solved is going to be Stressful on Multiple Levels for at Least two Other People.
My head hurts.

And I know that in the grand scheme of things, this is a really little thing.  It's not cancer.  It's not a child running away from God.  It's not ...

But that logic does nothing to lower my blood pressure.

And then I see this lovely word sâmak.
... for the Lord sustained me.

It literally means "to prop up"... you know - like the stick that is propping up my plant that is too tall. But, it doesn't just involve the propping thing - it involves what is being propped.  My plant is putting it's weight on that stick.  There's some pressure there.

And what I see in Psalm 3 is that God is faithful.  In verse 2 people tell me that God will not be my salvation.  I need
a plan
a good attitude
to compare my issue with other bigger issues and then I won't care about mine any more.

And those might work a little.  But I don't want to be satisfied with figuring out my bill.  I want to be satisfied in God.  Salvation from figuring this out might be nice... but something else stressful will come along.  I want salvation from not being fear-filled.  I want my instant reaction to be not fear - but to be God.  And salvation belongs to the Lord.  I'm glad He is propping me up.